Digitizing involves taking your JPG (or other file) and turning it into an embroidery file with stitches. We can take your custom logo or design, a picture of your dog, digitize it, then embroider it on a shirt, hat, jacket or other item.

We will also embroider on items you already own!

Company Logos

Your Items

Customer service is a top priority at ISEW4U.  How can we help you?  Give us an opportunity to prove what we can do.  We know you will be pleased.

In most cases we will get your design ready and send you a PDF for your approval before you make a commitment.  

LOGO - The cost to digitize a logo depends on the complexity of the design and are typically priced on a case-by-case basis. If the design is simple and you order at least 3 items,  we typically digitize at no charge. We will be happy to provide you with a complimentary quote. Simply contact us and tell us what you need.

DOG BREEDS- The cost to digitize a picture of your dog is $175 for a 4" to 4.5" square design and $75 to embroider on the first item.  The cost for embroidery typically goes down to $27 - $32 after the initial item.  (The first item is higher in price because of the stitching process to ensure color correctness.  We normally do 2-3 stitchouts to get the colors correct.) 

CARS - The cost to digitize a car is $125.00 and to stitch it out on the first item is $50.00.  Cars are very stitch intensive and there are a lot of color/thread changes.

Once your logo, car  or dog is digitized, we keep it on file and we can embroider it on most any item.  We can size the embroidery depending on the location on the garment, whether it is the left chest, about 3.125" wide, or the back, 8" to 9" wide.  Naturally on the back the cost of embroidery will be higher.

Digitizing involves taking your JPG (or other file) and turning it into an embroidery file with stitches. We can take your custom logo or design, a picture of your dog, digitize it, then embroider it on a shirt, hat, jacket or other item.

We will also embroider on items you already own!

ISEW4U does not sell nor give away any files, created or digitized, for any reason.  The price you pay is for the time it takes us to create your design, not the design itself.


YES!  we will embroider on your items.  Bring them to us at an upcoming dog show or send them to us.  Chairs, towels, jackets, shirts, etc.  We can help.

Customer Service

What is the Cost?

Custom Digitizing